Let’s convert waste into resources

Our Projects

Some of our projects are going on with local government and stakeholders in each regions. We'd like to introduce some projects here.

Zero Plastic Island Project with AVPN/IGES

in Rayong, Thailand

Realize "Zero Plastic Island" and Establish eco-system

With the support of AVPN, we’re implementing “Zero Plastic Waste Island Project” on Samet island in Rayong Province,Thailand.



Samet island is a small island with about 3,000 inhabitants, but it is famous for its beautiful beaches and attracts many foreign tourists.



Currently, the waste is sent to the mainland for incineration or landfill. This project works with hotel groups and islanders to efficiently collect and dispose of plastic waste.


This project’s that all plastic waste is processed on the island and the recovered oil is given back to the islanders.


We will also dispose of marine devris that washed up on Samet island at the same time.


Many islands around the world are similarly unable to dispose of their waste on their islands and send their waste to the main land, often at great cost.



We’re trying to achieve economic circle by 2024 as a model for waste treatment on the island.

This project is being carried out with AVPN,IGES,Rayong Province in Thailand, and Kitakyushu City. For feasibility study, Alliance to End Plastic Waste(AEPW) supports us strongly.


Starting in 2022, we have been measuring the amount of waste and the breakdown of waste on Samet island. of the waste from Samet island, 15% was plastic.

with the end of Covid 19, up to 15 tons of waste is being brought in per day.



The islanders and hotel owners agree, and the current effort is how to efficiently collect the waste and return benefit to the islanders.

Dumping site Waste Treatment with Kitakyushu City

in Siem Reap, Cambodia

Reduce the waste in landfill site and secure the capacity in the future!!

This project in Siem Reap,Cambodia will be demonstrated with the support of Kitakyushu City, a Japanese municipality.


Cambodia is experiencing an increase in waste emissions more than its rapid economic development, especially in the city of Siem Reap, where a simple landfill method is used.


The city is concerened that a futher increase in business waste from the tourism industry. 


In cooperation with the Waste Management company in Siem Reap,

the project will treat mixed waste in Siem Reap landfill site.


The landfill at Siem Reap is filling up and immediate action is needed. As is offen the case in developing countries, there’re people picking up trash at the landfill.

These people collect metals, plastic bottles,etc.,but eventually plastic and oraganic materials are left behind.

There’s no conflict of interest of dispose of those trash.


The goal of this project is to reduce the landfill site’s waste and collect recovered oil to make a profit while reducing waste in landfill site.


Landfill site is almost full all over the world. We’re trying to prove how our technology can make it better for landfill waste in this project.

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Demonstration and Exhibition on 26th October ,2023

The demonstration and exhibition to announce our technology in GAEA facility,

Attendees are Deputy governor of Siem Reap, French ambassador, Japanese consul and Executive director of Kitakyushu city, Co-owner of GAEA, owner of Siem Reap Tourism Club, CEO of Soken group and us.

We treated plastic mixed waste from Siem Reap landfill site and show the result. all plastic waste is gone and recovered oil is collected.

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Let's go forward the project together
to solve the waste issue all over the world!!


GOMI Solutions Co.,Ltd.

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Asano, Kitakyushu Kokurakita-ku, 

Fukuoka, JAPAN.


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